Make trick-or-treating safe for all this year with a 6-foot delivery By Aldona Bird While 2020 might seem like one long nightmare to many, we all want […]
Author: For The Dominion Post
What is personality and what affects it?
Different regions of our brains are responsible for different functions in our lives but which one is responsible for determining personality? Our brains can be divided into […]
A year later, eggplant still a recipe favorite
Last year I wrote about my newly found love of eggplant, and making eggplant “meatballs.” If you missed that column, I’ll recap super fast: Vegetarian eggplant “meatballs” […]
Blue Lives Matter Parade
Individuals came out in support of police during the Back the Blue rally By Jana Hundreds of Harleys, trucks and cars paraded yesterday afternoon in a […]
DIY Autumn leaf roses
Make your own bouquet to spruce up tables, homes and bring the scent of fall indoors The season of fresh cut flower bouquets is nearing an end. […]
City Council holds-off on Trick-or-Treating decision
By Gabriella Brown How Trick-or-Treating in Westover will be held safely this year is yet to be determined. During Monday night’s Westover City Council meeting, council unanimously […]
Mom keeps busy with yarn shop
Parenthood changes life completely. It’s not just that many of us don’t sleep for a few years at the outset — it can also bring major career […]
Keep kids moving with obstacle course
Build elements with scraps in an afternoon for hours of outdoor fun By ALDONA BIRD The weather has cooled, and it’s the time of year to […]
Sticking on stucco
DIYing Portland cement plaster for exterior of house Some home projects we do for the joy of the process. Some we do for a just perfect outcome. […]
Say Her Name
Crowd gathers to honor Breonna Taylor, raise awareness of racism By Jana Mackin At high noon, call and response of love and righteous indignation rang out yesterday […]