By Aldona I discovered love of bubble tea and traveling at the same time. Late in my teens I visited my older sister in Boston. We […]
Author: For The Dominion Post
Creating Eternal Springtime
By Aldona Although spring flowers are starting to bloom, sometimes it is nice to have a few blossoms that don’t quickly fade. Artificial flowers can be […]
What is leading to global warming?
A greenhouse is a small building with glass walls and a glass roof. When the sun’s light comes into the building, the heat from the sun is […]
What’s blooming at WVBG
MORGANTOWN — This week at the West Virginia Botanic Garden, at 1061 Tyrone Road, we will focus on some small flowers in bloom and one swimming resident. […]
Welcome spring with fun
Finally, spring fever is hitting and hitting hard. The days are looking sunnier, lasting longer; the smell of growth and new beginnings fill the air. I love […]
Forsythia: A dainty, cheerful sign of spring
While winter weather will likely return (according to weather reports, in just a couple of days), I’m taking much joy in spring flowers brought into bloom by […]
A Natural Spin on an Easter Tradition
By ALDONA BIRD With spring in the air and Easter just around the corner, it is a great time to get creative with decorating eggs. Even if […]
What’s Blooming at the WVBG
By David P. Davis Narcissus is a large genus of perennial plants in the family Amaryllidacaea with common names of daffodil and jonquil. Daffodils are generally white […]
Getting into a routine
What holds us back? It’s an important question we should always ask ourselves. What are some of the most common reasons we push our health out of […]
Defending the garden from the critters
A few years ago, a friend told me about a sign that made her think of me. It read something along the lines of, “planting a garden […]