CHARLESTON — The intermediate appeals court bill heads to the Senate floor after approval by a divided Senate Finance Committee on Monday. Finance made to changes to the […]
Author: David Beard, The Dominion Post
Campus gun carry bill hearing draws 30 opponents, 11 supporters
CHARLESTON — The Campus Self Defense Act, also nicknamed the Campus Carry Bill, drew 41 speakers to a public hearing Monday afternoon. The opponents outnumbered the supporters almost […]
Senate OKs bill to form mountain bike trail network; talks pothole problems
CHARLESTON — The Senate gave its approval on Monday to a bill enabling the formation of mountain bike trail networks and a resolution to tie the hands of […]
Senate passes bills limiting special session pay, increasing judges’ mileage rate
CHARLESTON — The Senate on Friday approved bills to limit legislators’ special session pay, to raise the mileage rate for judges who drive their own cars to work-related […]
Bill including a 5th Mon magistrate clears Senate Judiciary, heads to Finance
By David Beard CHARLESTON – Monongalia County is as close as it’s ever been to getting a fifth magistrate. The Senate Judiciary committee on Friday approved and […]
House Judiciary approves medical cannabis banking bill, sends it to floor for passage
CHARLESTON — The House Judiciary Committee overwhelmingly approved and sent to the House floor the medical cannabis program banking bill, HB 2538. The vote was 20-3. Two of […]
Bill to give low-volume gas wells tax break and create well capping fund clears House Finance
CHARLESTON — The House Finance Committee quickly and without debate passed HB 2673, a bill to reduce the tax burden on low-producing oil and gas wells and provide […]
A sampling of bills introduced Feb. 7
CHARLESTON – Here is a sampling of bills introduced Feb. 7. Monongalia-Preston-Marion-area lead sponsors and co-sponsors, if any, are noted. SB 544, to raise State Police salaries […]
House bill to protect royalty owners from partition suits changed to remove protections
CHARLESTON — The House energy Committee approved a bill on Thursday sponsored by its leaders and intended to protect mineral owners from losing their property in partition suits. […]
Split Senate approves water pollutant rule, granting industry more time to study proposed standards
CHARLESTON — The Senate passed along party lines on Thursday a water quality rule that has been the subject of a months-long tug of war between environmental and […]