MORGANTOWN – The state Senate passed a bill allowing county school boards to post their financial statements on their websites instead of in local newspapers. Opponents said […]
Author: David Beard, The Dominion Post
Legislators, advocates promote fair pay bills on National Equal Pay Day
MORGANTOWN – Wednesday was National Equal Pay Day and a group of legislators and other equal pay advocates held a virtual meeting to promote four bills aimed […]
Morrisey: States will take U.S. Treasury to court over prohibition linking tax cuts to American Rescue Plan COVID money
MORGANTOWN – West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey and his colleagues from Arizona and Georgia have their answer from U.S. Treasury Janet Yellen about the interplay of […]
House Finance sends scaled-down intermediate appeals court bill to House floor
MORGANTOWN – An intermediate court of appeals may be closer to becoming a reality than it’s ever been. The House of Delegates Finance Committee made some technical […]
Senate adds edibles to medical cannabis program; bill heads to House
MORGANTOWN – The state Senate on Wednesday approved a bill adding edible medical cannabis to the list of forms that can be dispensed under the state’s medical […]
House passes bill requiring doctor to inform woman that a chemical abortion may be halted before it’s complete
MORGANTOWN – The House of Delegates overwhelmingly approved a bill on Wednesday requiring medical providers to inform a woman undergoing a chemical abortion that it may be […]
Bill to allow counties to collect 1% sales tax clears first hurdle in state Senate
MORGANTOWN – A bill to allow counties to charge a 1% sales tax found unanimous support in the Senate Government Organization Committee Tuesday. SB 550 has bipartisan […]
New Senate bill will raise more money for short-staffed Office of Oil & Gas through $100 annual fee
MORGANTOWN – The Senate Energy Committee approved what could be the second bill of the session to raise money for the underfunded and understaffed Office of Oil […]
House, Senate adopt resolutions urging Biden to name former W.Va. health commissioner as national drug czar
MORGANTOWN – The Senate and House of Delegates adopted identical resolutions Tuesday urging the president of the United States to appoint a former West Virginia public health […]
Bill that weakens some drinking water human health criteria clears Senate Judiciary
MORGANTOWN – A bill that includes some lower standards for toxins in drinking water won approval in Senate Judiciary Monday and heads to the full Senate. The […]