MORGANTOWN The Senate spent about 90 minutes on Thursday debating what’s been dubbed the transgender athlete and passed it on a relatively close vote 18-15. Five Republicans […]
Author: David Beard, The Dominion Post
House delays action on income tax repeal bill sent back from Senate; acts on annexation and other bills
MORGANTOWN – The expected death of the personal income tax repeal bill, HB 3300, was delayed another day. The House of Delegates did not take up the […]
Senate approves a fourth version of the personal income tax repeal plan in a squeaker vote; bill returns to House
MORGANTOWN – After more than two hours of debate Wednesday night, the Senate narrowly passed the bill to phase out the personal income tax, with a 18-16 […]
House approves bill extending pilot program to drug test TANF applicants
MORGANTOWN – The House of Delegates Wednesday approved the bill extending the pilot program to drug test applicants for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families through 2026. The […]
Senate Judiciary rewrites House Second Amendment bill to target federal commandeering
MORGANTOWN – Senate Judiciary took up a Second Amendment bill supported by gun lobbyists but opposed by police, rewrote and fine tuned it, and turned it into […]
House Judiciary tweaks some flaws from needle exchange bill, sends it to full House
MORGANTOWN — House Judiciary on Wednesday took up the ever-morphing bill to license needle exchange programs and offered a rewrite to remove some provisions physicians and pubic […]
Senate Finance undoes Senate Judiciary rewrite of House personal property tax amendment; 1% county sales tax gone
MORGANTOWN – You may have seen one of those cartoons where someone in a carnival shooting gallery fires at the duck and ping, it goes right, then […]
Senate delays action on income tax repeal and budget bills for a day; special session for repeal looks likely
MORGANTOWN – The writing is on the wall for the personal income tax repeal bill – for this session at least. The Senate on Tuesday punted action […]
Divided House of Delegates OKs bill to allow school boards to post financial statements online; adopts amendment extending TANF drug testing pilot
MORGANTOWN – The House of Delegates barely passed a bill on Tuesday allowing school boards to post financial statements online – over objections the state’s spotty broadband […]
Gov. unveils new income tax plan, ‘Justice 4 All,’ at summit
MORGANTOWN – With five days to go in the legislative session, Gov. Jim Justice held a personal income tax repeal summit with legislative leaders Monday, and unveiled […]