MORGANTOWN — The issues facing the city’s downtown are Morgantown’s problem, but they’re not Morgantown problems. They’re the same problems confronting every city in every state in […]
Author: Ben Conley, The Dominion Post
Mountain Line looking at liquid propane as gasoline alternative
Late last month, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration announced nearly $1.7 billion to support state and local efforts to modernize aging transit fleets with […]
Mountain Line puts up local match for Fairmont Road sidewalk application
The Mountain Line Transit Authority is joining Westover’s effort to secure funding for a new stretch of sidewalk along Fairmont Road. The transit board voted unanimously this […]
BOPARC pushes vote on ice arena construction bid to special meeting
MORGANTOWN — They used words like “negligent,” “absurd,” and “crazy,” but the half dozen speakers who addressed the BOPARC Board of Directors on Wednesday were all basically […]
Mon Commission troubled by rumblings on Harmony Grove interchange
MORGANTOWN — Members of the Monongalia County Commission can see the writing on the wall. More accurately, they can hear the ringing phones in their pockets — […]
Ice arena costs climb toward $13 million as project awaits BOPARC approval
MORGANTOWN — The Morgantown Ice Arena project as currently presented seems to be approaching the point of no return. Morgantown City Council on Tuesday unanimously voted in […]
Substantial sewer rate increases in the pipeline for Westover customers
Westover City Council on Monday directed its Holland Avenue project team down a path that could potentially result in a 77% jump in sewer bills for city […]
Board of health sparks up medical cannabis discussion
MORGANTOWN — The Monongalia County Board of Health is charged with protecting and promoting public health. But when it comes to medical cannabis dispensaries, the state-defined role […]
Aquatic Center at Mylan Park lands second national diving event in six-month span
MORGANTOWN — You don’t get a lot of celebratory woo-woos in your average Morgantown City Council meeting. But Visit Mountaineer Country CVB Executive Director Susan Riddle had […]
MCHD revamping food service inspection process
MORGANTOWN — If the purpose of the inspection is to prevent food-borne illness, the focus of the inspection should be on the handling and preparation of food. […]