MORGANTOWN — “This isn’t about speech or free expression. This is about safety.” Monongalia County Commission President Tom Bloom told The Dominion Post as much on Wednesday […]
Author: Ben Conley, The Dominion Post
Morgantown Council to consider $1.5 million airport property purchase
MORGANTOWN — Morgantown City Council will consider purchasing approximately 105 acres in support of the current and future Morgantown Municipal Airport expansion plans. Council advanced an […]
Star City brings back Memorial Day ceremony
“I cannot speak for the dead,” Lt. Col. (ret), Examiner Flight Nurse Sandra “Sam” Cotton said. “I do speak about them.” And so she did Monday morning before […]
White Park efforts receive $500,000 boost
MORGANTOWN — In November, Morgantown representatives expressed optimism that the city’s participation in the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection’s Voluntary Remediation Program would lead to grant […]
Trinity Christian School celebrates Class of 2023
A small crowd gathered in a school perched atop a hill on a picture-perfect Friday evening to recognize the 12 individuals who are collectively the Trinity Christian School […]
County, municipalities discuss panhandling law
MORGANTOWN — Everybody is in agreement. Panhandling is a problem and something needs to be done. What is that something? That was the focus of a Thursday […]
Former Westover mayor not guilty of battery
Former Westover Mayor Dave Johnson has been found not guilty of misdemeanor battery stemming from an altercation with former Westover City Councilor Ralph Mullins. Both Johnson and […]
Mon Commission, Granville officials discuss TIF extension
MORGANTOWN — “But for.” Two words, six letters. But in the parlance of tax increment financing, or TIF, districts, the phrase looms large. The “but for” […]
Pilot shortage impacting Morgantown air service
MORGANTOWN — Nearly a decade ago, airline industry prognosticators said a looming pilot shortage hastened by a wave of retirements, dramatic increases in training requirements and a […]
MPD, civilian police review board discuss staffing, future collaboration
MORGANTOWN — Asked Monday what the Morgantown Police Department’s biggest needs are — manpower excluded — Deputy Chief PJ Scott responded there are no bigger needs. In […]