Critics of Joe Biden are falling over themselves in a rush to castigate the former vice president — and current front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination — […]
Author: The Dominion Post
Developments in floodplains proving costly
BY HARRIET FESTING In early June, Diane Mueller fled her flooded home near St. Louis, for the second time in two years. She hopes it won’t happen […]
Suspend rules and let HB 206 become 2020 election issue
This should not even need to be said. But in the hyper-partisan context of the Legislature in Charleston today it does. Today, the state Senate is expected […]
Stonewall still playing out 50 years later
Leonard Pitts is on vacation. his column will resume on July 8. In late June of 1969, the New York Police Department raided the Stonewall Inn, a […]
June 24 letters to the editor
Vote out administration congressional enablers Why are so many Trump supporters so easily fooled? To clarify: I don’t refer to supporters among the top 1% of Americans. […]
ACE rule can only dig us in a deeper hole
Call it a policy of diminishing returns or retreats from a worsening climate crisis. We’re never going to sway the Trump administration on its decision to short […]
Congress must protect Title X health care program
BY JESSICA McCOLLEY As a maternal-child physician, I provide care to some of our state’s most vulnerable populations. Large portions of this area’s people live on the […]
Can Biden hold off the left in 2020 race?
Joe Biden is old. He hugs people. He thinks China is and isn’t a challenge for America. He is for and against taxpayers financing abortion. He was […]
Shanahan’s short and sad career
It’s hard not to feel some sympathy for Patrick Shanahan. The acting U.S. secretary of defense said Tuesday he’s leaving government because of “a painful and deeply […]
Headline all gun violence just like this
It’s unknown what exactly was in the man’s mind as he approached the Earle Cabell Federal Building in downtown Dallas on Monday, but his intent was easy […]