Interstate 79 roadwork
beyond the ridiculous
What now?
After nine months of resurfacing Interstate 79 from Mount Morris, Pa, to the Star City exit, they (roadwork crews) are at it again? What now?
The people, like me who travel this five-mile stretch of roadway on a daily basis would like to know what possibly can they be doing now? Orange pylons were placed on I-79 Friday.
First of all, why would you tie up an interstate on a weekend, especially when students are coming back from spring break. Secondly, why would you limit this roadway to one lane, both northbound and southbound and not have a worker in sight?
This same interstate was tied up for nine months the last time it was resurfaced, a very terrible job I might add. How much longer now and for what, what possibly could they be doing now? This is ridiculous!
Connor Wyatt
Washington, Pa.
No change, no hope at
school in Charleston
Monongalia County has one of the two best school systems in West Virginia. Niche Inc. gives the system a B+ rating while 21 other county systems in West Virginia are rated C- or below. The least performing school in Monongalia County would be an exemplary school in some of these low-performing counties. So I can see why many people in Monongalia County think charter schools are unnecessary — they are in Mon County but not elsewhere.
President Obama was a strong advocate of charter schools because he knew that the only hope for many students living in high-crime, low- income, rundown neighborhoods was a change in the academic culture. The number of students in charter schools doubled during his term in office.
Charleston’s West Side Elementary is located in a neighborhood that would be of concern to President Obama. About 85 percent of West Side students receive a free or reduced lunch — the highest rate in Mon County is 64 percent. And 65 percent of the students at West Side are minorities — mostly black.
West Side Elementary is a desert sweltering from the lack of academic opportunity. Only 22 percent of West Side students are proficient in reading while but 17 percent are proficient in math. By comparison, every Mon County school is more than double those percentages while North is 66 percent proficient in reading and 65 percent proficient in math.
And the problem isn’t due to size or teacher/pupil ratio. North Elementary has double the students of West Side and a higher student to teacher ratio.
There needs to be a shift in the academic culture at West Side. Adding a counselor, an academic coach or a school resource officer is just playing around the edges. Thus I was saddened that the Legislature failed to provide West Side students with a charter school.
I thought the time had past when low-income minority students weren’t provided with the opportunity of a high quality education. President Obama spoke of hope and change — at West Side there is no hope without change.
Dennis Poluga
N.C. student needs help
with his class project
I am a fourth-grade student in North Carolina. In fourth grade, we research a state for our State Fair, and I have chosen your state. I am very excited to learn more about the great state of West Virginia as I work on my report.
Most of the information I get will be from books and web sites. However, the best information comes from the people who live in and love their state. This is why I am writing to you.
I was hoping that you would be willing to send me some small items to help me learn more about the best things in your state. It could be things like postcards, maps, pictures, general information, this newspaper article or any other items that you think would be useful.
You can mail items to this address: Charlotte Latin School; c/o Mrs. Eastridge’s Class; 9502 Providence Road; Charlotte, NC 28277; by April 30 for our State Fair on May 17.
I appreciate your help and will do my best to send a thank you note to each and every person who takes the time and makes the effort to help me with this project. Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Edward Palmer
Mrs. Eastridge’s Class
Charlotte, N.C.