
Morrisey tops Manchin for October Senate campaign fundraising

MORGANTOWN — Republican state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey once again edged Sen. Joe Manchin in fundraising for their U.S. Senate race during the most recent reporting period.

But with a smaller overall war chest, Morrisey still lags in campaign spending.

In the House of Representatives 1st District, Democrat Challenger Kendra Fershee again outpaced incumbent Republican David McKinley in contributions from individuals. But her PAC income remained insignificant, putting her overall total well below McKinley’s.

The numbers come from their Federal Election Commission Pre-General Reports, covering the brief span of Oct. 1-17. Election Day is Nov. 6.

Joe Manchin


Last period (the October Quarterly, covering July 1 through Sept. 30), Morrisey raised $1,843,930.49 compared to Manchin’s $1,523,076.28 – about $320,000 more than Manchin.

This period, Morrisey raised $452,702.11 while Manchin raised $311,904.42 – a $140,797.69 difference.

For the period, Morrisey’s campaign received $411,409.84 from individuals, $6,750 from PACs, $33,207.93 from authorized committees and $1,334.34 from Morrisey.

David McKinley

Manchin received $219,519.66 from individuals and $92,384.76 from PACs – almost 14 times more than Morrisey’s PAC revenue.

This period, Morrisey spent $838,290.41 on campaign operating expenditures. Manchin spent $1,306,682.63 – $468,392.22 more than Morrisey.

Morrisey’s total receipts for the election season, including $398,000 in prior loans, were $5,401,023.75. His total campaign spending was $3,860,644.03. He entered the final weeks of the campaign with an account balance of $1,126,829.72.

Kendra Fershee

Manchin’s total receipts were $9,547,846. His total spending was $7,564,526.55 – almost double Morrisey’s. His account balance at the end of the period was $3,193,174.55 – almost three times Morrisey’s.


Last period, McKinley received $83,820 from individuals and $137,900 from PACs and party committees for a total $221,720.

This time, he received $11,850 from individual and $30,000 from PACs, for a total $41,850.

Fershee last time took in $101,496.45 from individuals and only $7,850 from PACs, for a total $109,654.93.

This time, she received $18,374.41 from individuals and $250 from a single political committee: former Secretary of State Natalie Tennant’s Senate campaign account. Her total take was $18,624.41.

This period, McKinley spent $139,510.13 on campaign operating expenses; Fershee spent $44,894.11.

McKinley’s total receipts for the election season were $1,223,574.64; he’s spent $741,839.17. He entered the final weeks of the election with an account balance of $842,150.37.

Fershee’s total receipts for the season were $241,069.65; she’s spent $194,394.09. Her account balance was $46,653.93.