
House of Delegates 50th District race sees light spending

MORGANTOWN — The biggest spender during the most recent reporting period for the House of Delegates 50th District race was the sole Republican incumbent.

Guy Ward

Spending among the two Democrat incumbents and the Democrat challenger was roughly even. Meanwhile, two other challengers — a Republican and one unaffiliated – barely opened their checkbooks during the latest round.

The candidates are GOP incumbent Guy Ward and Democrat incumbents Mike Caputo and Linda Longstreth; along with challengers Democrat Michael Angelucci, Republican Phil Mallow and unaffiliated Jon Dodds.

The numbers come from the candidates’ Pre-General reports, covering the period of Sept. 24-Oct. 21. Election Day is Nov. 6.

Among the incumbents, Ward has the smallest overall campaign war chest. He opened the reporting period with $7,339.91 in his campaign committee account.

Linda Longstreth

He raised $4,650 in individual contributions plus $2,222 at a Fairmont fundraiser and a Charleston reception.

Ward spent $8,428.60, leaving his account a balance of $5,883.31 to enter the final weeks of the campaign.

His totals for the campaign season were $20,009.68 raised and $14,126.37 spent.

Longstreth ranked a distant second in spending during the period. She opened with $21,532.57 and raised another $3,900.

She spent $2,785.34, leaving a balance of $22,647.23.

Michael Angelucci

Her totals: $29,649.74 raised, $7,002.51 spent.

Angelucci came in third for the period. He opened with $12,622.71 and raised $3,825.

He spent $1,901.80, leaving a balance of $14,545.91.

His totals: $16,358 raised, $5,482.09 spent (she and Caputo both brought forward funds at the beginning of the season from previous campaigns)..

Caputo has the biggest war chest but ranked fourth in spending this period.

Mike Caputo

He open with $31,709.56 and raised $4,202.74.

Caputo spend $1,138.20, leaving a balance of $34,774.10.

His totals for this season: $21,702.74 raised, $10,592.90 spent.

Mallow opened with $2,807.07. He received $2,100 – from 14 individuals, one political candidate and one PAC.

He spent none of his campaign account money. That left him with $4,187.07.

His totals: $5,960 raised, $1,772.93 spent.

Phil Mallow

Dodds did no fundraising this period but spent a tad more than Mallow.

He opened with $35.64 and spent $18.44 — $7.50 on a bank fee, the rest on advertising.

That left him a balance of $17.20. His totals: 1,551.88 raised, $1,540.43 spent.