Guest Essays, Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Guest essay: We must protect senior health care

By Sen. Charles H. Clements

As a senior and a person who has health issues, I understand the challenges that face seniors with health care costs. If it were not for Medicare and Medicare Advantage, many seniors in our state and nation would experience financial hardships, which they may not survive.

Over 50% of West Virginia seniors rely on Medicare Advantage for health care, including West Virginia’s retired public employees and teachers. Those seniors not on Medicare Advantage rely on traditional Medicare.

There are those in Washington who want to cut Medicare Advantage and/or Medicare, which is an unacceptable path. Thank goodness for the leadership of U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito. She has on more than one occasion stood up for seniors with her support for Medicare and Medicare Advantage.

The average cost of a hospitalization is around $12,974 for a four-day stay for a basic admission. I will tell you from my first-hand experience, if the diagnosis is cancer or some other major condition, the total health care cost will be much higher. Most seniors are on a fixed income and are not able to pay major health care costs out of their pocket.

Seniors should have access to multiple plans and be able to choose the plan that best meets their needs, be it Medicare Advantage or traditional Medicare. The federal bureaucrats need to leave our health care programs alone and Congress needs to continue to support funding for Medicare Advantage and traditional Medicare, so seniors have options.

I want to thank Sen. Capito for her support and leadership. We are fortunate to be able to say she is our senator.

Sen. Charles H. Clements (R-Wetzel) represents West Virginia Senate District 2, which includes Monongalia County and parts of Preston County.