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#High5Drive Campaign kicks off for brave kids

The West Virginia Child Advocacy Network (WVCAN), in partnership with Child Advocacy Centers (CACs) across the state, kicked off the second year of a campaign to raise awareness and funds for child abuse survivors.

Throughout April, #High5Drive asks individuals and businesses to give a High 5 and donate $5 in honor of each child served at a local CAC last year.

Locally, Monongalia County Child Advocacy Center (MCCAC) is partnering with The Tea Shoppe at Seneca Center and AntiquiTea House. The businesses are official campaign site partners and will display the hands representing children served at the CAC locally. Folks can visit a campaign site partner to get their #High5Drive handprint and share a message of encouragement for these kids, or write their name, or the name of a loved one.

The Tea Shoppe is at 709 Beechurst Ave.

AntiquiTea House is at 2885 University Ave.

“The beauty of the #High5Drive campaign lies in its accessibility. It’s a testament to how small gestures can accumulate to make a significant impact,” said MCCAC’s Director Dr. Laura Capage. “As we launch into our second year of this campaign, we’re inviting everyone to join us by donating just $5. It’s more than a contribution; it’s a high five to a brave kiddo in Monongalia County.”

MCCAC served 629 clients in 2023 and has a campaign goal of $3,145. Donations can be made through the Campaign website at All money raised locally will go to support MCCAC.