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Westover officials want to take a closer look at on-street parking

WESTOVER — Westover City Councilor Duane Tatar said Monday he believes there’s entirely too many cars parked along some of the city’s narrow streets.

He said cars parked along both curbs have essentially choked some streets down to where two vehicles cannot pass.

“It’s not just one, it’s a lot and it’s very difficult to get through those. I can see where it would be even more difficult in the winter when we start to get snow,” he said, later adding “It’s very congested. It’s a safety issue, especially when you have cars coming through and you only have room for one.”

Tatar said he’d like to see parking limited to one side of the street, citywide.

Asked if home owners have a right to on-street parking in front of their houses, Public Works Director Jason Stinespring said they do not.

“There’s technically no guaranteed on-street parking. Technically. But if you have a lot of houses and they’re used to parking on both sides, you could start a war, for sure,” he said.

Ultimately Mayor Bob Lucci agreed with Tatar that the city should take a look and come up with some recommendations.

“I think that’s something we definitely need to look at in certain areas,” Lucci said.

In other news from Monday’s meeting, Westover Council adopted an ordinance making it a misdemeanor punishable by a fine up to $500 and/or 30 days in jail to camp or store personal property on city property.

The ordinance prohibits camping, or occupying a vehicle, in any publicly owned areas, including parks, rights-of-way, creek beds, riverfront property, beneath bridges or any publicly owned parking lot.

Also on Monday, council:

  • Heard from Westover Deputy Police Chief Scott Carl who said the department has identified and will charge at least two juveniles after several homes and vehicles were egged over the weekend.
  • Learned that Texas Roadhouse will open in its new Westover home this weekend and the new Kohl’s in WestRidge Commons is currently being stocked.
  • Approved a $10,799 bid from Pass Inc. for a new stand-on mower. Council also tabled a decision on paving work to further research MonCo Constructors, of Barrackville, which was the lowest of five bidders at $25 per ton for asphalt placement and $3.55 per square yard for milling.