MORGANTOWN – Here is a look at some of the bills introduced on Friday, Feb. 11. Local sponsors and cosponsors, if any, are noted.
SB 620, to increase the maximum annual dental coverage for Medicaid recipients from $1,000 to $1,500. Sen. Mike Caputo, D-Marion, co-sponsor.
HB 4635, to prohibit the naming of any public infrastructure facilities owned or funded by the state from being named for a living current or former public officer.
HB 4637, to create a paid parental leave pilot program.
HB 4641, to require blood tests of certain persons that suffer a traumatic personal injury that occurred within 12 hours before presenting for treatment by a medical provider, for injuries for which the person asserts, or which reasonably appears to have, occurred in the course of and resulting from the person’s employment to determine whether or not the person is intoxicated, for determining eligibility for unemployment benefits.
HB 4654, to create the Downstream Steel, Aluminum, and Metal Product Manufacturing Act, to stimulate economic growth in manufacturing industries through property tax credits.