Monongalia County Health Department
About 1,408 doses of naloxone reached the hands of the general public on Saturday during Save a Life Day, an effort to make the medication, which reverses the effects of an opioid overdose, more accessible to members of the community.
Volunteers were stationed at 12 locations as part of the event coordinated by the Monongalia County Quick Response Team (QRT).
“We’re really happy with the turnout,” said Russell Wyatt, a peer recovery coach (PRC) with West Virginia Sober Living and a member of the QRT. “About 80-90 volunteers showed up and we have given out all of the naloxone we had, which was 704 kits that each contain two 4 mg doses.”
Formed in 2019 with a grant awarded to Monongalia County Health Department, the Monongalia County QRT works to reach individuals who have overdosed on opioids and other substances within 24-72 hours to connect them with treatment and services. Training and distribution of naloxone, also known by the brand name Narcan, is also an important part of the QRT’s duties.
Sam Shawish, who was given naloxone after losing consciousness last year following an opioid overdose, volunteered at Save a Life Day as a way to help give back. Just as someone with substance use disorder can teach that bad habit to others, those in recovery can then educate on how to use naloxone.
“I learned to stay clean and I want to pass that on,” Shawish said. “Everybody deserves a chance. I like to use the example of Robert Downey Jr.,” the actor whose career took off after a very public battle with drugs. “You could be naloxoning the next ‘Iron Man.’”
Meredith Williams, a registered nurse, stopped by the Westover McDonald’s location to learn more about naloxone and to take a kit with her.
“I think it’s a really important tool and a lifesaving measure,” she said. “It’s a really simple task. If you’re out in the community and see someone in need, it’s important to help out.”
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