MORGANTOWN — Every year, Girl Scout Troop 51396 in Morgantown donates some of its profits from selling the organization’s famed cookies to a good cause.
This year, that good cause is frontline health care workers at WVU Medicine. And the donation is in the form of 168 boxes of cookies.
In the midst of the pandemic, troop leader Tracy Chicchi said, “they wanted to donate 20% of what they made to health care workers at WVU who worked so hard with all the COVID patients. Instead of giving them money, they wanted to give them cookies so they could enjoy cookies.”
The rest of the money, which is all the girls typically make in a year, will be spent on a trip to the Pittsburgh Zoo, Chicchi said.
Troop 51396 has 24 members and 22 of them sold 4,600 boxes of cookies. Chicchi said most of the sales were online. There was only a single booth this year. Each girl had an individual link to a digital booth, which could be sent to family and friends. Parents also shared the link on social media.
Buyers could choose to donate cookies directly to the cause of WVU workers or the Girl Scouts charity Gold Star Moms.

Even without multiple booth sales, the troop sold more cookies than last year, Chicchi said. The pandemic hit close to the end of the cookie season and not all the cookies were sold. This year, the troop knew it would be rough and put plans in place.
“We were able to overcome those obstacles, and I’m really proud of the girls to give these cookies and they’re so excited about handing these out on Friday night,” Chicchi said.
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