Arnold. D. Tichnell.
Political party: Democrat
Age: 71
Residence: Bruceton Mills.
Family: Five sisters, eight stepchildren and 14 stepgrand- children.
Education: Newburg High School until my parents moved. GED and some college credits.
Professional Experience: Seven years as chief of the Tunnelton Police Department, seven years and seven months in U.S. Army, military credits in criminal law and accounting.
Political and civic experience: American Legion.
Why did you decide to seek office?
I was asked by a few Prestonians. It’s time for a change in law enforcement.
What is the most important issue you believe is facing West Virginia and how would you fix it?
Drugs. Crack down hard on offenders and bring cold cases up-to-date.

Paul “Moe” Pritt
Political party: Republican
Age: 50
Residence: Terra Alta
Family: Married with three children
Education: East Preston Senior High 1988 graduate; Fairmont State University, 1992, B.S. criminal justice, minor political science; West Virginia State Police Academy1994, certified law enforcement officer.
Law Enforcement Instructor: Pistol, rifle, shotgun; radar/lidar; pepper spray, expandable batons and over 700-plus annual in-service credit hours training in criminal investigations, policy, management, law enforcement oversight as well as liability, budget and human resources and other policing aspects.
Professional experience: A life-long resident, I have been a police officer in Preston County over 27 years. I have trained numerous officers, have investigated serious crimes from murder and sexual assault as well as misdemeanor crimes. As chief deputy, I assure accountability and appropriate response to reported crimes as well as seeing that matters are thoroughly investigated for successful prosecutions while being fiscally responsible and utilizing personnel efficiently to cover the county.
Political and civic experience: I’m a member of the West Virginia Deputy Sheriff’s Association, Preston County Deputy Sheriff’s Association, Monongalia and Preston County Fraternal Order of Police and West Virginia Narcotics Officers Association. I am endorsed by the FOP and Deputy Sheriff’s Association. I have been a youth league coach for T-ball and Little League baseball as well as girls’ fast pitch softball for over 20 years. Currently the head coach of the girls’ softball team at Preston High.
Why did you decide to seek office?
I want to continue the successful leadership and have an efficient, accountable, successful law enforcement agency that aggressively attacks those that prey on our citizens. Continuation of efforts that have resulted in felony drug arrests. Over $90,000 in cash and assets seized, as well as proactive patrols by all deputies leading to a reduction and solving of reported crimes.
What is the most important issue you believe your office will face in the next year, and how will you address it?
Holding those that commit crimes accountable. If elected I will see the office operates in an efficient, fiscally responsible manner, holding all accountable for their actions. See that sheriff’s office functions are carried out lawfully, fairly and impartially. Professional and equal representation for all county citizens. I will be accessible to all citizens and continue work with all local, state and federal entities to reduce crime and curb drug dealing and usage.