KINGWOOD — News of the newest visitor to the Holleran Addition suburb bears repeating.
City police and the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (DNR) have received calls about a black bear being seen in the Holleran Addition, in east Kingwood. The bear has been seen on Seemont Drive, Kimberly Lane and Holleran Estates, and across W.Va. 7 at the Fraternal Order of Eagles parking lot.
On May 27, Randy Plum, of Seemont Drive, called his wife, Debbie, to look out the window at the bear.
“It came on one side of the lawn, and it came and just very contently checked out everything in the backyard and then moseyed out across the lawn,” Debbie Plum said.
They took photos of the bear through the window, from a safe distance.
Colin P. Carpenter, Black Bear Project Leader for the DNR, said the number of bear and human interactions is rising along with the bruin population. This time of year, the bears are looking for food, as they wait for the berry crop to become available.
To keep bears away, the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies recommends removing the bear necessities, as it were:
-“Never feed or approach bears. Feeding bears (intentionally or unintentionally) trains them to approach homes and people for more food.
-“Secure food, garbage and recycling. Food and food odors attract bears.
-“Remove bird feeders when bears are active. Birdseed and other grains have a high calorie content making them very attractive to bears.
-“Never leave pet food out. Feed outdoor pets portion sizes that will be completely eaten during each meal and then remove leftover food and the food bowl.
-“Clean and store grills.”
And maintain those habits, Carpenter said. If folks get lax, the bear will return to the backyard buffet.
Until the bear changes its habits, residents of the area will keep a wary eye.
“Everything I do out in the yard, I do with one eye over my shoulder,” Debbie Plum said.
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