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WVSACA cancels North-South game

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — After review of the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Executive Committee of the WVSACA decided to cancel the 2020 Friday Night Rivals North-South Football Classic due to safety and health concerns. This decision was made after consultation with many different governmental agencies and our legal representation.

The executive committee would like to recognize the efforts of North-South Football Game Director Bob Mullett. He worked every day exploring ways to have this game and provide a special experience for the players.

Due to the pandemic, several logistical changes to the week would have to be made, including, but not limited to, changing the housing venue, changing meal services, practice locations, and special team-building activities throughout the week.

The committee extends its thoughts to the players selected, both coaching staffs, and other professionals involved in the game.

“This was a difficult spring for West Virginia’s student-athletes who have had to miss out on so many special events,” it said in a news release.

Players will be presented with their practice jersey, courtesy of the West Virginia State Police, along with their game jersey and a North-South Player certificate.

The Executive Committee of the WVSACA looks forward to having the North-South Football Classic in June 2021.