Letters to the Editor

Feb. 3 letters to the editor

Senators complicit in
cover-up for president
I write to express my extreme disappointment with any senator continuing to support and provide cover for President Trump. I struggle to attach that title to his name when I speak of him. It feels as if I am dishonoring the institution of the presidency.
In the last months it has become obvious the president’s actions gravely damaged the security of an important ally and our own as well. His actions advanced his needs, not America’s. His search for dirt on a rival also advanced the cause of our primary and most devious enemy, Russia. He attempted to cover up his actions by ordering all in the Executive to not cooperate with the House investigation. No document production, no compliance with subpoenas, no testimony, no to everything. He literally admitted to obstruction when he stated publicly he felt his legal team is doing a fine job, but, “we have all the materials, they (House managers) don’t.”
The threat posed to our country is great. New material comes to light daily. None is exculpatory for the president. It is not sensible to think that exculpatory material, if it existed, would not be offered to refute any accusation.
What defense has been offered? The Nixon defense of, “if the President does it, it can’t be against the law.” Pathetic! It did not work then and it should not work now. Alan Dershowitz’s defense of the insane notion that if the president believes his re-election is in the public interest, then asking a foreign country for help in his campaign and re-election is also in the public interest, thereby making foreign influence OK. How naive do you believe most Americans are? I could go on, but to what avail?
Defense of this president is offensive. I believe that you all know better. If you know better, you are complicit in a cover up for a corrupt president. Such complicity makes me wonder. Why? What makes any senator fear him so? They should respect their constituents. They vote for you, not the president or Mitch McConnell.
Seventy-five per cent of all Americans want to see witnesses. Defy the will of the American people. Support an imperial presidency, where the president can do no wrong. Do it and you, like Zeus, will have released the Kraken. It will be released upon our republic. The Founders weep.
Alex V. Pietrowski