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Teams compete in Eastern Collegiate National Mine Rescue Contest

The Department of Mining and Industrial Extension at West Virginia University hosted several teams of students from WVU, Virginia Tech, Penn State University and the University of Kentucky in the 2019 Fall Eastern Collegiate National Mine Rescue Contest Saturday.
The annual competition was held at the WVU Dolls Run Mine Training Center, on Little Indian Creek Road in Core.

Students tested their mine rescue skills by participating in various exercises in the experimental mine at the site. Scores were based off current collegiate mine rescue contest rules and the amount of time taken to complete each task.
The Mining Extension Service was established in 1913 to extend the resources and expertise of WVU to the coal miners of West Virginia and the nation.

It provides opportunities for personal, educational and industrial advancement through courses. The instructors are certified to teach, among other things, underground and surface new miner training, electrical apprentice and refresher training and mine fire safety.