Letters to the Editor

June 30 letters to the editor

Boundary adjustment
sounds like anything but
Through the years there have been several annexation attempts by the city of Morgantown, some successful some not.

It may not be the idea, but the scope of the current plan that people find so outrageous. When we call it a minor boundary adjustment that increases the city footprint by 40%, takes in 367 businesses and 12,830 residential dwellings it sounds suspicious.

Those who live and own businesses in these areas spend a great deal of money in the city. Some own homes and businesses in both. Some of these businesses wouldn’t survive the increased fees and taxes.

In reality it is highly unlikely we would ever see the level of projected revenue shown in the report.

The massive spending plan designed to provide services to targeted areas may actually result in additional shortages and debt leading to increases in fees and taxes for all involved.

Morgantown is the county seat of Monongalia County. Most of the county offices and facilities are in the city.

Imagine the animosity generated if the city sues the county with the intent of forcing the citizens to accept something they don’t want.
Patrick Nabors