Letters to the Editor

June 26 letters to the editor

Let people vote for or
against annexation
The Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary defines inconsistency as: “(of an argument) containing elements that are opposed and do not match, so that it is difficult to imagine how both can be true.” The Webster Dictionary defines hypocrisy as: “a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not: Behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel.” There is an old adage: A man’s actions speak louder than his words.

Let’s apply this sage wisdom and these definitions to the city’s annexation actions. The very first annexation benefit the city claims on its website that citizens will get is: “A stronger voice in decisions affecting your community.”

Let’s see, the city says that we will have a stronger voice, but the city won’t let us vote on whether we want annexed. Doesn’t the city’s actions speak much louder than its words?

Likewise, these actions seem to fit very neatly within the definitions of “inconsistency” and “hypocrisy.” Maybe that is why the city does not want to let the people vote on whether they want to be annexed into the city.
Michael Callen

Trump supporter proud of policies, tax changes

This is in response to Monday’s letter to the editor. President Trump supporters believe in Making America Great Again! Unlike the previous Democratic administration, he’s not letting terrorists and other countries use the U.S. as their door mat.

I applaud his changes to strengthen the U.S. economy and tax changes. The U.S. is trillions, trillions and trillions of dollars in debt. If the Democrats can propose a plan to rebuild our economic system without tightening our belts and not paying for it, let’s hear it already. Do they believe it can be fixed for free?

Be realistic, this administration has to tax us to rebuild our economic system. Corporations want tax cuts to remain in our countries to balance out the loss of residing in the U.S. because employee benefits and wages are so much higher here than in Third World countries.

As for the immigration policies, Obama built the cages, not Trump. Trump’s policy of deporting illegals is more humane than Obama’s detaining them in cages for long periods of time.

As a Trump supporter, I am not ignorant, sir. I am disgusted with the way the Democrats have run our beloved country into the ground. Your ignorance has ruined our great country. We finally have a leader that’s not afraid of being stronger than countries that are threatening us. He’s not bowing down to their demands, which is what America was founded on. Thank God Washington didn’t bow down to England.

Trump is actually working towards empowering our nation again but the Democrats are relentlessly dividing this nation. Here’s a thought: Instead of Democrats dividing this nation why don’t they join our forces and strengthen our country? It will never happen because it’s not the Democratic way. Oh, well, it’s a nice thought.
Brenda Bonnett

Who cares about sports’ impact? What’s its cost?
Something’s missing from the study that WVU Athletics commissioned to calculate its 2017 “economic impact.” It doesn’t ever say how much was spent in the first place to stimulate all the millions in spending that’s being celebrated.

The data that WVU files with the NCAA does say. It shows the athletics programs lost $17.4 million in 2017 and were saved from insolvency only by student fee revenue and charitable donations. (See http://sports.usatoday.com/ncaa/finances/.) All the infrastructure that supports WVU athletic events comes at a colossal cost as well, and it too has a “multiplier effect;” does it also negate the teams’ “economic impact?” Don’t ask WVU’s consultants.

What WVU really ought to be hiring consultants to do is quantify the opportunity cost of wasting so much money on football. The university is willfully sacrificing countless scholarships, critical research, truly meaningful economic development and authentic charity, all so that Shane Lyons can be paid God knows how much.
Joe Morris