Business, Community

FedEx delivery issues continue to mount

MORGANTOWN – Complaints continue to mount regarding FedEx delivery service in the Morgantown area. The Complaints Against Morgantown FedEx Terminal Facebook grew from 208 members on Thursday to 271 on Monday.

FedEx told The Dominion Post on Thursday it was taking action to solve the problems, including securing additional delivery resources, extending operation hours and delivery times, and expanding package sorts to deliver these packages as quickly as possible.

One of the solutions FedEx came up with was diverting packages to the U.S. Postal Service for successful delivery, according to tracking images posted online. FedEx also appears to have contracted drivers who are making deliveries in rental vehicles.

Whatever the cause – FedEx cited weather – the complaints indicate other issues at play.

Given that the complaints haven’t stopped, The Dominion Post sent FedEx a series of questions on Monday regarding the problems and what it is specifically doing, but FedEx did not respond.

Among the complaints filed Monday, one said: “31 packages now missing with an additional 12 I have no confidence in. Supplies for two coffee shops and a coffee roastery. A few more days will have to shut down. This has been going on since mid December. Pretty gross situation.”

Another: “My package was delivered yesterday, 1/26, after 10 days of ‘arriving in Morgantown.’”

And another: “Woohoo finally received 1 of 6 packages, this order is from January 12. Now to see if I get the others.”

Tracking images chronicle the journey of a Chewy order that made stops in Pennsylvania and Ohio before arriving at the FedEx Morgantown station on Pitman Road at 7:16 a.m. Jan. 3. It went out for delivery 7 minutes later, back to the station and out again for delivery Jan. 6, back to the station and out for delivery again Jan. 11, then back and out again Jan. 19, but as of Monday still not delivered.

Another person posted tracking images on Friday of a delivery that’s been sitting at the station since Jan. 3. “I still don’t have it.”

Also on Friday, a package that came to Morgantown Jan. 17 and was out for delivery, then inexplicably went to Ohio on Jan. 23, and was heading back to Morgantown on Jan. 24. The person said, “I canceled my orders from Walmart. They were supposed to arrive the next day, But it’s been over 3 weeks. They did refund my money, but the packages are still out for delivery.”

A Friday post expresses the widespread frustration: “I actually want to cry at this point. FedEx stopped in front of my house. I got so excited, I went out and said ‘packages for [house number]?’ He said, ‘No, just putting a package in the mailbox for your neighbor.’ I said, ‘You don’t have ANY of my eight packages on there?’ He told me, ‘no,’ smiled and said, ‘Have a nice day.’”

And we conclude with a story about a customer who had to do the delivery driver’s job for them. They were waiting on $1,200 worth of items for a repair job. “These were ordered before we realized there was such a huge problem with FedEx!”

A contracted driver, in a U-Haul, arrived at the house and their son went out to greet the truck. He received one package “and waited while the driver DUG through the truck, putting packages out on the snow and was told that he could have swore there was another package on here but he couldn’t find it.”

The husband arrived and stopped the departing truck, which was still packed full, and precisely described the other package they were expecting. “He waited while he moved package after package with no luck, and told my husband that he couldn’t find it. My husband actually had to TELL him to move the last big box and lo and behold there was his package!”

Now they’re waiting on four tires that have been out for delivery three times in a week.