
The bittersweet moment of the first day of school

Summer has officially ended in our household. My 6-year-old went back to school and started first grade. We have counted down the days, made sure we had school supplies and anxiously awaited the new school year. 

I am so thankful that my daughter was excited about going back to school and not sad or scared. Last year when she started kindergarten, she was really nervous and that overshadowed any joy she had. This year, she was excited to meet her new teacher and see her friends. 

Even with her positive attitude, the start of  school had me a little sad and had me thinking, “Is it always going to be hard when they go back to school?” I thought after she started kindergarten, and I made it through that, every other year would be easy. Clearly, I was mistaken. I wasn’t as sad about it this year as I was last year, but I was definitely choked up seeing her hold up her sign that read, “First day of first grade.” It just instantly hit me in the stomach that she is growing up and it feels so fast. Does this happen to other mamas every year, or am I just being ridiculous?  

After I dropped her off at school, I couldn’t wait to pick her back up and hear all about her day. I wanted to know if she liked her teacher, if she made new friends, if she listened well. I wanted to know everything. I swear I checked my watch every half hour hoping the hours would speed by. 

When the time came, I was so excited. It felt like Christmas morning. I got to her after-school program and waited in line for her. While she got her things together, I saw another mom picking up her kindergartner. The little girl came out crying and was so relieved to see her mom after what I’m sure was a long first day of school. I did not envy that mama. Feeling like your baby is so sad to be away from you during school is hard. I told her that my daughter was nervous and sad the first day last year as well, but that she started to love it really quickly. I said I was sure her kiddo will be the same. 

When my daughter came out, she did not disappoint. She was screaming with excitement and ran over to get a hug. I told her I wanted to know everything and she laughed and said, “OK, OK, OK … this is how it went.”  

I may always get a little sad when the kids start back to school — watching them grow up in a blink of an eye. But nothing beats seeing their joy and hearing their stories about their day. 

Ann Burns is a Morgantown native, raising two young children with her husband, Drake. She writes weekly columns for The Dominion Post. Contact her at