
Tips to keep lice away this school year

With schools heading back into session as soon as next week (depending on where you live), it has me thinking of all the ways to prep for the new school year. The biggest curve ball for us  last year was my kindergartner bringing home head lice.  

We had no clue what to look out for, tips to prevent it, or how long it would take to get rid of it. So, this year I am finding all the ways to prevent it before sending my kids back to school. 

The first thing you think of when you hear head lice is not to share hair brushes and hair ties. What we didn’t know was that having your child’s hair down in school around other kids could make it easier for the  lice to be passed around as well.  

If there are classroom blankets or pillows those could be infested with    lice, too. So, this year we are preparing our now first grader with the knowledge of knowing to leave her hair up at school at all times, not to lay on any pillows or blankets and don’t let any friends play with her hair. 

Another thing to be aware of  is lice repellant spray. Last year when we went to the store to get lice treatment, we saw a couple options for lice repellant as well. There is Fairy Tale Rosemary Repellant Spray and also Nix Lice Prevention Daily Leave-In Spray.  

Now, I haven’t used this on my children yet, so I can’t say for certain that it works, but I do plan  trying it this year. Even if there is a slight chance that it could work, I want to try it. 

I also saw that you could make your own lice spray with essential oils if that is a better option for you. All you need is 5 drops of tea tree oil, 5 drops of eucalyptus oil, 5 drops of rosemary oil, 20 mls of organic witch hazel and filtered water.  

Combine all of that in a spray bottle and you are good to go. I do keep a bunch of essential oils in my house, so I might try this method before buying repellant spray. 

If any mamas out there have other good tips to prevent head lice, please let me know. We have to stick together to get through the school years and the raising of children.  

May the odds be in our favor this year and may none of our children get head lice. 

Ann Burns is a Morgantown native, raising two young children with her husband, Drake. She writes weekly columns for The Dominion Post. Contact her at