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Arts commission in Fairmont celebrates its 40th anniversary Saturday

FAIRMONT – On a rainy afternoon 11 years ago in the band room at University High School … Neil King was bopping for all he was worth.

King, who was then director of the UHS Jazz Ensemble, was getting his sonic charges ready for a state music competition.

“Take the A Train,” the 1941 jumper by Duke Ellington, the tune was.

Driving piano to hint at the rock ‘n’ to follow some 15 years later on the juke box and radio.

Trombones, and their glorious slurring of the blues notes trafficked by the Duke.

And King, a jazz trumpeter by training who is now director of bands at Suncrest Elementary School and instrumental music coordinator for Monongalia County Schools, up front, as said.

Come Saturday night, King, in his native Fairmont, will be on the stage of his alma mater of Fairmont State University, making music this time.

He’ll be one of the featured performers at the 40th anniversary celebration of the Fairmont Arts & Humanities Commission.

The festivities begin at 7:30 p.m. on the stage of the Wallman Hall Theatre and will feature performances by a host of past honorees of the commission, including King. Admission is free.

King won’t be the only alum or artist with a connection to the school in the spotlight that evening.

John Fallon, a community and regional theater mainstay who began acting in Fairmont State productions as an undergrad is on the bill.

So is actor, folklorist and FSU professor Francene Kirk.

Shawn and Kathy Dunn will also share the stage, along with Dani and Greg Devito.

Performances by John Morrison, Michael Stewart, Elizabeth-Wotring Nelson and Jeremy Batten are also on the bill for the evening emceed by Christian Cox.