Editorials, Opinion

Put Preston school levy on Nov. ballot

Recently, members of the Preston County Board of Education mused whether it would be worth putting the failed school levy back on the ballot for November.

The short answer: Yes.

The long answer: There’s no harm in putting the levy back in front of voters. It was defeated in May by fewer than 600 votes — a decent but not insurmountable margin. If the BOE makes the decision to put the levy on the November ballot now, that gives them roughly three months to educate voters on its importance. That’s 90 days to help voters understand that school levies mean better teacher salaries, which allow the county to attract more talent; better equipped classrooms and extracurriculars; and more support staff to help the county’s children receive the best education and school experience possible. Make voters understand that their investment in kids now will pay dividends in the future.