
National Poll Worker Recruitment Day is Aug. 1

The state of West Virginia has teamed up again this year with the county clerks, the U.S. Elections Assistance Commission (EAC), and other states in a national poll-worker recruitment effort heading into the 2024 General Election.  

According to Secretary of State Mac Warner, National Poll Worker Recruitment Day is a country-wide effort to address the ongoing need for poll workers and to inspire civic engagement. Warner’s administration has been recognized nationally for its efforts over the last seven years for working with veteran’s groups, the WV Board of Realtors and students to recruit poll workers.  

“Poll workers are critical to facilitating the election process and instilling confidence in voters,” Secretary Warner said. “To ensure that we have accessible, safe and accurate elections we need to fully staff every polling place with trained poll workers.” 

Poll workers in West Virginia must be registered voters. Individuals who volunteer to be poll workers in their home county are paid an amount set by the county commission for their services.  

Any registered West Virginia voter who would like to learn more about becoming a poll worker for the upcoming Nov. 5 General Election should complete the short and easy Poll Worker Application on or before Aug. 1.  

Since 2020, the West Virginia Secretary of State’s Office has teamed up with the EAC and other stakeholders to promote National Poll Worker Recruitment Day and encourage registered voters to be poll workers for early voting and on election day. Currently there are 1,704 voting precincts throughout West Virginia, which requires more than 8,000 poll workers to adequately, safely, and securely manage those precincts on election day.  

“Being a paid poll worker is a great way to participate in our democracy right here in West Virginia,” Warner said. “The most secure way to cast a confidential election ballot, free and clear of any undue influence or intimidation, is to do so at a polling place staffed by trained poll workers selected by the political parties. Ensuring there are enough poll workers to assist voters is always a priority for the Secretary of State’s Office and the county clerks.”  

For additional information on elections in West Virginia including voter registration and absentee ballots,  contact your local county clerk or visit the West Virginia Secretary of State’s secure website at GoVoteWV.com.