WVU News

Online survey, listening sessions part of WVU presidential search

The West Virginia University Presidential Search Committee wants to hear what the WVU community has to say about the search for a new president.  

WVU President Gordon Gee is stepping down from his position next summer.  

Search Committee chair and WVU BOG vice chair Dr. Patrice Harris issued an update on the search Wednesday, which now includes a four-question online survey.  

“Your thoughtful responses will help frame the Leadership Profile and provide critical guidance to the Presidential Search Committee as candidates are considered,” Harris said in a letter to the campus community.  

The four  online questions: 

What do you see as key attractions for this leadership opportunity? What makes you proud to be a part of the WVU community and excited about the future? 

What are the skill sets, experiences, qualifications, credentials and personal attributes needed in the next president? 

What are the key opportunities and challenges facing West Virginia University? How should the new president seek to capitalize on or address them? 

What is your primary affiliation with West Virginia University?  

Harris also said there has been one listening session so far, which involved the leadership of the WVU Faculty Senate. She said there will be more listening sessions in August and September once students return to campus.  

The search committee has also held its first meeting recently, Harris said. 

“It was a lively and engaged discussion, and I want to thank the members of the search committee for their time and willingness to serve the university in this role,” she said. “It was evident that each member believes in the mission of West Virginia University and cares very deeply about the future of the institution.  

The firm WittKieffer is assisting in the search.