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Lake Lynn Generation asks for FERC OK to lower Cheat Lake Level by 3 feet to raise O2 levels; FERC taking public comments

MORGANTOWN — The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has opened for public comment a request by Lake Lynn Generation to lower its seasonal minimal Cheat Lake reservoir level by three feet.

Lake Lynn told FERC that its hydroelectric project tailrace and reservoir dissolved oxygen levels have been decreasing recently due to a lack of precipitation and low reservoir inflows. Lowering the minimum level from 868 feet to no less than 865 feet would increase spillway discharge to address the low dissolved oxygen levels.

To accommodate boaters, Lake Lynn told FERC, it would open the winter boat launch at Cheat Lake Park, which allows access during lower lake levels.

Lake Lynn submitted its request on Tuesday. FERC issued its notice soliciting comments, motions to intervene and protests on Thursday.

This would be a temporary variance, effective through Nov. 1.

Lake Lynn proposes to contact local marinas, post a notice on its public information website and provide information to Cheat Lake Environment and Recreation Association and Friends of the Cheat to inform recreation users and shoreline property owners of any expected lower reservoir elevations.

Lake Lynn reminded FERC that low oxygen levels have occurred because of low inflow during the months of July through October at the project in past years. It requested and was granted similar temporary variances in September 2019, 2022 and 2023.

Lake Lynn’s request came in a few weeks after a Cheat Lake resident filed a complaint with FERC, alleging Lake Lynn is not managing water levels in a manner to sustain the integrity of the lake’s shoreline, leading to excessive erosion.

At the time of the filing, The Dominion Post asked FERC if it would respond in any way to this complaint. FERC said in an email, “In general, commission staff investigates complaints such as this one. We cannot say when staff may respond to the complaint.”

Comments, motions to intervene and protests may be filed through FERC’s eFiling system at Commenters can submit brief comments up to 6,000 characters, without prior registration, using the eComment system at You must include your name and contact information at the end of your comments. The first page of any filing should include the docket number P-2459-285.


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