
Maria Vignone

Maria E. Vignone (nee Roppolo) passed away on Sunday, June 30, 2024.  

She was born and raised in Hyde Park, Pa.  

After graduating from Leechburg High School in Pennsylvania, she earned a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree from the University of Pittsburgh. After completing her formal education, she entered service with the federal government. Her final appointment prior to retirement was as a Senior Records Manager at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Legacy Management Center located on the campus of the WVU Research Park in Morgantown.  

Both she and her husband, Joseph, were avid participants in sea voyages aboard cruise ships. Over the years, they visited most of the popular ports of call on both the eastern and western North American seaboards as well as Hawaii, the Caribbean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. During these frequent voyages, they explored local tourist attractions during port visits and during the evenings, took advantage of the opportunity to engage in social dancing in the many venues available aboard large cruise vessels.  

She also maintained a lifelong interest in practicing ballet and modern dance. During most of her life, she was an active member of an amateur adult dancing troupe. This dancing group often performed at school events, senior citizen centers and other such venues.  

A private graveside service will take place at Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Silver Spring, Md.  
