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Police find drugs in hidden dashboard compartment

A Michigan man with several prior arrests in Monongalia County was taken into custody on Wednesday for drug possession. 

While on patrol, Morgantown police officer C.J. Behm noticed a Chrysler minivan with Illinois registration thought to be involved in a hit-and-run incident on June 24. According to Behm’s statement, the van was parked on High Street with a black male, later identified as Deante Bernard Hurt, 27, of Detroit, standing near the vehicle. 

As Behm approached the van, Hurt got into the driver’s seat and began to drive away, but parked the vehicle once Behm initiated a traffic stop. 

The officer said that as Hurt was parking the vehicle, he could be seen accessing the dash of the vehicle by removing the ventilation and dash control. Behm added that Hurt also reached to many additional places in the car. 

While speaking with Hurt, Behm said he could smell marijuana and noticed several plastic baggies sticking out of Hurt’s right pocket. 

After being removed from the vehicle and notified of his Miranda Rights, Hurt allegedly admitted to having a marijuana blunt, which was removed from his possession. 

A subsequent search of Hurt’s vehicle revealed approximately 84.7 grams of a substance that tested positive for fentanyl inside the dashboard area that Hurt was previously seen accessing. 

According to Behm’s report, police also found a magnetic, under-the-vehicle style storage box in the van. 

Hurt was arrested for possession with the intent to deliver fentanyl. He is being held at North Central Regional Jail on a $50,000 bond. 

This is not the first time Hurt has faced drug-related charges in Monongalia County. 

In December 2023, Hurt was charged with four counts possession with intent and conspiracy to deliver controlled substances.  

In March, he was again charged with two counts possession with intent to deliver controlled substances.  He was released after posting $100,000 bond in both cases.  

In April, he was arrested once again on drug charges and was released after posting $50,000. 

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