Business, Community

Corporate Cup offers friendly competition

Let’s say your workplace is still remote only and you’re tired of looking at the four walls in your home office. Or, perhaps, your workplace is a hybrid model, so time spent with coworkers is few and far between. 

Maybe you’re back at work full-time, but the office is cramped and stuffy, and you ache to get outside, just like elementary students hankering for recess. 

And it could be that you’re just a really competitive person looking for a great team-building exercise for your office. 

The United Way of Mon and Preston Counties would like to offer an antidote: the Corporate Cup Challenge.We’re bringing back this 10-event competition  June 21-23 at various locations around Morgantown. 

The weekend — which pits teams from area corporations and businesses against each other in a variety of events — is always a friendly, but spirited, competition. And the excitement is contagious. 

The winning company takes home a trophy, but also, and perhaps more importantly, bragging rights. Plus, the weekend raises funds for United Way’s community programs in both Monongalia and Preston counties. 

Teams are forming for the three-day challenge, and now’s the time to get registered for this exciting and heavily anticipated competition. 

If you want to create a team, or two, choose a team captain and sign up at The registration deadline is June 7, and the cost is $750 per team. Proceeds from Corporate Cup go toward the 2025 United Way Campaign, which helps fund agencies and programs in our community that assist those most in need. 

While there is no set number of employees required to participate, each company should create a team large enough to participate in multiple events at once. 

For instance, team trivia, billiards and three-point shot competitions will all be held on Friday evening, June 21. Volleyball, kickball, the three-leg sack race, horseshoes, cornhole and a shooting simulator competition are set for Saturday,  

June 22. And on Sunday, June 23, the challenge will finish with a bowling tournament. 

Each event is scored carefully following the official Corporate Cup Challenge rules and regulations handbook, and at the end of the competition, the first-, second- and third-place winners are announced. 

Team members must be at least 16 years of age to enter. Members must be employed by the sponsoring company, agency or corporation or may be family members (children 16 and older, spouses, parents and mothers/fathers-in-law, brothers/sisters in-law and brothers/sisters of employees). 

“This is one of my favorite United Way events during the year!  

It is so fun to watch the teams come together to compete. Everyone gets amped up and excited about the individual events, especially the three-leg sack race, which is a hoot to watch,” said Amanda Posey, director of marketing and communications for the local United Way. 

“People get competitive and gently rib each other, but overall, it’s just a fun time for folks to act like big kids together, playing a game of volleyball or kickball. And the camaraderie we witness is really something else. It is a perfect team-building activity for companies and something everyone can enjoy.”  

Ready to join in?  

To create a team, visit If you are interested in sponsoring the Corporate Cup  

Challenge, call us at 304-296-7525 or email Amanda at 

Amanda Posey is the director of marketing and communications for the United Way of Monongalia and Preston Counties. She can be reached at