Editorials, Opinion

Happy Mother’s Day

Moms are special figures in our lives; they sacrifice much of themselves to bring us into this world, and they help guide us through it, often with compassion and sometimes a little tough love. Traditionally, moms are the primary caregivers — the ones who kiss the boo-boos, dry the tears, give the hugs and help us put ourselves back together after a fall (both literal and metaphorical).

Mother’s Day, like many holidays, can be a little bittersweet.

For those lucky enough to still have our mothers in our lives — or to be a mother who still has her child(ren) in her life — it’s generally a joyous day. There’s breakfast in bed, beautiful flowers, sweet cards and gifts ranging from handmade tokens of appreciation to expensive store-bought items. If we’re really lucky, we’ll spend time together today, sorting through a lifetime of memories and cherishing our bond. We’ll go to brunch or dinner and tell “remember when” stories, or we’ll go for a spa day or do mom’s favorite activity, and we’ll make sure she knows just how much we love and appreciate her.

Some, however, aren’t that lucky. Our mothers have passed away or the bond between us has become fractured. Days like today can leave us feeling a little lost, even as we do our best to hold on to the good memories. For those of us who grieve a mother’s loss, this day can be a little more bitter than sweet, and it can be difficult to see all the happy moms and kids out celebrating.

But no one ever said Mother’s Day had to be limited to the women who birthed us. Most of us — even those who still have our moms around — have had mother-figures in our lives: grandmas, aunts, sisters, female mentors, best friends’ moms, mothers-in-law, etc. And we can celebrate them today, too. Because being a mom isn’t only about biological reproduction; it’s about love and support, and sometimes it’s the other women around us who step in to fill that role. And those women deserve to be celebrated, too.

So we’d like to wish a happy Mother’s Day to all the moms and mother-figures, and to all the kids who have lost their mothers and all the mothers who have lost their kids. May your day be filled with sweet memories and happy moments.