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Submit grievances for Festivus

Few of us have quite as many grievances as Frank Costanza — or are as funny about them.

But that doesn’t mean we don’t have a gripe or two festering in our minds.

What better time to get them off our chests than during the Festivus tradition, The Airing of Grievances?

And what better way to air those grievances than in print?

So, The Dominion Post would like to hear from you. Got a pet peeve? A complaint? A thing or two to say about a thing or two?

Send them in and you just might see them on this page on Dec. 23 — the day of Festivus, of course.

Keep them family-friendly. Don’t libel or badmouth anyone. We aren’t looking for political rants, bad reviews of businesses or mean-spirited manifestos.

If you hate carts in parking spaces, though, tell us about it.

Favorite fast food item get discontinued? (RIP, 7-Layer Burrito). Share your pain.

Pothole woes, lost sock trauma, people with no sidewalk etiquette — those are fair game.

Send in those grievances by Dec. 20 by emailing us at

Include what’s got your goat, your name and town.

If you’d like to try to beat Frank at the funny game while you’re at it, by all means, make us laugh.

As long as you keep them clean and decent, we’ll air them for you.

You’re on your own with the feats of strength.