PACE Enterprises was recently awarded a $100,000 grant from the Milan Puskar Foundation.
The money will go toward PACE’s Vision 2025 Campaign, which includes an addition to the main location and an independent housing facility. The Opportunity Center will provide additional storage space and work areas, which will provide more jobs for those with disabilities. PACE Place will be in Star City and will be a one-of-a-kind, state-of-the-art living facility with 12 units.
Greg Morris, president, and CEO of PACE, said, “We are extremely thankful for the support from the Milan Puskar Foundation. Their donation is greatly appreciated and will be very helpful in the funding of this wonderful project.”
Joe Lefkay, director of Marketing and Development added, “It was great working with Executive Director Lori Maynard of the Milan Puskar Foundation throughout the application process. We value the relationships we have in the community and will continue to look for other funding opportunities through additional grants, donations, and fundraising events to complete this project.” PACE plans to break ground in early 2024.
PACE helps people with disabilities find independence and community participation through gainful employment. PACE operates several businesses that employ people with disabilities and works with other businesses to find placement for workers. PACE is licensed as a community rehabilitation program and a behavioral mental health center, which means that all programs are following regulations through regular audits and inspections.