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Westover Council approves second reading of sewer rate increase

Westover City Council on Monday approved a second reading of an ordinance raising the city’s sewer rates.

As previously reported, the increase will bump the minimum monthly charge for up to 2,000 gallons used from $15.78 to $17.18.

The rate per 1,000 gallons for usage between 2,001 gallons and 10,000 gallons will climb from $7.75 to $8.43.

This is the first and smaller of two rate hikes coming in support of a pair of major infrastructure projects — Holland Avenue improvements and a new main pump station — expected to total somewhere in the range of $8.2 million.

Council also voted Monday to hire Tom Aman of Steptoe & Johnson to serve as the city’s bond counsel for the projects.

City Clerk Sandie Weis said the third and final reading of the sewer tariff ordinance, as well as a public hearing on the issue, will be held at the April 17 meeting of council and not April 4.

“We’ll skip a meeting because it has to go on the MUB bills to the residents. So we have to allow for that timeframe,” Weis said.

In other Westover news, council approved the purchase of three vehicles for the Westover Police Department — two all-wheel drive 2023 Ford Interceptor utility models for $44,355, each from Kenny Ross Ford, in Pittsburgh, and a 2021 Ford Explorer Interceptor with 8,598 miles for $25,900 from One Stop Auto Sales, in Somerset, Pa.

Also on Monday, council approve a pay raise of 50 cents per hour for city employees with the exception of the police chief, who will receive a $1 per hour.