Mikkel Domenique McDougal, 41, let the flame of her existence burn out on Oct. 25, 2022. Mikkel was the very much loved daughter of Jennifer Forester and John Oughton and Jim and Dee McDougal. Along with her parents, Mikkel is survived by two sisters, Micah Donai and Tia McDougal; one brother, Keegan McDougal; several nieces and nephews; her grandmother, Carolyn Forester; and several aunts and uncles. She was especially close to her aunt, Betsy Forester. She left behind her three loves: dogs Darby Crash, Sweet Jo and Beer.
Mikkel was a unique soul with a rambunctious and feisty spirit. Friends often referred to her as a “fire cracker” because she was rambunctious and passionate. Mikkel was tough and timid, soft and hard, wild and free, yet also sorrowful and tormented. She was easy to love and anybody who met her can attest to the fact that she was downright impossible to forget. Her true essence was love and light. Her laugh, her green eyes, her natural red hair, her love of music and animals, her faery-like ways, her no-BS way of living and her hugs defined Mikkel.
Mikkel grabbed life and lived it the way she wanted, with no apologies. She traveled the country and lived in several places, always seeming to collect new friends and having extraordinary experiences. It is clear that she loved her friends and her dogs and enjoyed being with both. Like any addict, she went through ups and downs until the disease she had become a demon that possessed her and finally won. It changed her from a fun, free spirit to someone who had to constantly work at getting her next fix. It robbed her of her easy-going, life-loving spirit. Mikkel did not regret her choices, even those that were unpopular and deadly, for she felt that the sum of these behaviors made her who she was. She was a very strong advocate for addicts and harm reduction, often working with the needle exchange program at Health Rite or volunteering to become a Peer Recovery Support Specialist. She believed that everyone should carry Narcan and all souls deserved to be saved with no judgement.
For Mikkel, paradise would be an eternity with those souls born with 4 legs (or had three and a stump). For her, crossing the Rainbow Bridge to be with her doggos would be heaven. Those who knew and loved her hope this is where her spirit runs free.
Per her wishes, Mikkel will be cremated. A celebration of her life will be held sometime in the future, and those who knew and loved her best should come ready to laugh, dance and share memories. She would not want tears nor would she want anyone to weep but instead for those that loved her to remember her with joy. Hastings Funeral Home is in charge of all arrangements to help the family through this time.
In lieu of flowers, the family asks for donations to be made to Milan Puskar Health Rite Harm Reduction Program 341 Spruce St., Morgantown, WV 26505. Information about the celebration of Mikkel Domenique McDougal’s life will be shared at a later date.