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University Avenue, 8th Street project underway, paving near completion

MORGANTOWN — A project aimed at improving driver sight lines and providing additional pedestrian infrastructure is underway at the intersection of University Avenue and 8th Street.

New sidewalks are being constructed and signaled crosswalks installed, allowing pedestrians to cross University Avenue at Law School Drive and the entrance to Terrace Heights. The project will also include new bus shelters. 

Morgantown City Council approved a $275,553.54 contract with Blue Gold Development for the work.

Communications Director Andrew Stacy said the anticipated completion date for that project is mid-to-late-September.

The 8th Street project is separate from the city’s normal paving program, which, Stacy said, reached substantial completion last week and has only punchlist items remaining. The paving was finished about three weeks ahead of schedule for Anderson Excavating, which was awarded a $1,752,943.50 contract back in May.

All told, this summer’s paving work resurfaced 11 miles of city streets, 1.4 miles of rail-trail and one parking lot.

It also included 4,084 square feet of base repairs across seven streets, 3,516 linear feet of asphalt curbs, 31 ADA curb ramps and about 500 feet of sidewalk.