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Getting active with friends and family for Easter

What a season it has already been for spring! It’s clear skies and sunshine then it is pouring, practically hailing, all in the span of 30 minutes. But this Sunday, Easter is blessing us with good weather. It should be partly cloudy, with family and friends all around.

You might be thinking about that great backyard barbecue you’ve been waiting all year long for or your little one’s first Easter egg hunt. Here are some sure-fire ways to get you and your whole family up on your feet and having a great time this holiday.

Planning an Easter egg hunt for kids and adults alike is a great way to spread some extra fun and make everyone feel a little joy. As you’re scattering eggs around your yard for the kids, add some eggs in the house with special prizes for adults. Think gift cards for favorite restaurants or other interesting grown-up treats. Add in some backyard games.

Growing up, my family moved around a lot, but one of my favorite traditions was our yearly cornhole tournament. Starting off in brackets, each team competes for the yearly makeshift cornhole trophy and bragging rights. Adding a second cornhole set or two for the kids will keep them occupied while the adults get their game faces on for an ultimate showdown.

One of the classic Easter games is the egg toss. You and your partner start a few steps away, facing each other. All the other teams line up in two lines across from one another. Each team has one egg and you throw it to your partner. Every time you or your partner catches the egg you take two steps back. If the egg breaks, you’re out. The last team standing wins.

Whatever you do this weekend, have a great time with your friends and family — even if it’s just taking a stroll with some people close to you in your neighborhood.

CHRISTELLE TEMPLE is a WVU honors sophomore. She contributes a weekly column on health, fitness and motivation. Follow her on Instagram @ellesbells2. Contact her at