Week reminds people to prepare for coming season
CHARLESTON — Gov. Jim Justice, along with the West Virginia Emergency Management Division and the National Weather Service, have designated Monday through Friday Winter Weather Awareness Week in West Virginia.
In his proclamation, Justice recognized the risk to life and property during winter weather can be reduced if West Virginians take appropriate preparedness measures before, during and after winter weather strikes.
“Winter Weather Awareness Week gives us the opportunity to understand the importance of preparing for the threats we face each year,” said Justice. “I encourage everyone to take time now to prepare their homes, businesses and communities for winter weather of all types.”
“The extreme winter weather — ice storms, snow and flooding — we faced in early 2021 is a reminder of just how dangerous and unpredictable winter can be,” said GE McCabe, director of the West Virginia Emergency Management Division. “Take time during Winter Awareness Week to stock your emergency kits, have your vehicles serviced and check your furnace, fireplace, or chimney to make sure you’re ready for winter.”
Assembling a basic emergency kit is one of the best ways to prepare for the winter ahead. A basic emergency kit should have a three-day supply of food, water and medicine, along with the essential supplies your family would need in the event of a prolonged power outage when travel is not possible. More on what to include in your family’s emergency kit can be found at ready.gov/build-a-kit.
Other winter weather preparedness advice:
- Know the weather risks your community and area face.
- Monitor weather forecasts.
- When a winter storm is in the forecast, communicate with family members to know their location and travel plans.
- Make sure all family members can receive emergency alerts.
- The best idea is to stay home during winter storms, but sometimes that’s not possible. So, winterize your vehicle. Keep an emergency kit in your car.
The West Virginia Department of Transportation urges you to “know before you go” by checking traffic and road closure information at wv511.org before heading out.
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