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Get out of your comfort zone

Do the words “new” or “change” frighten you? Maybe not even frighten you, but just words you do not care for because your life is good the way it is now? With that question in mind, is change a bad thing or a good thing? I know many people who like what they like and don’t like what they don’t — even if the haven’t tried it yet.

Getting out of your comfort zone can be hard, but if you never break down those barriers you’ll never know the limits in your mind. Why limit yourself to one way of thinking, one style of cuisine, even one form of exercise? These habits of ours become ritualistic, and breaking tradition can be stressful.  Still, I think we all owe it to ourselves to not just expand our horizons, but push ourselves to our limits. Because at the end of the day, if we don’t push ourselves, who will?

Have you ever thought about something you’ve never done before, but wouldn’t dare because you already assumed the worst  outcome in your own head? There is actually a word for that. Catastrophizing is when someone assumes that the worst will happen.

Often, it involves believing that you’re in a worse situation than you really are, or exaggerating the difficulties you face. So often, we hold ourselves back. Catastrophizing is actually a form of anxiety.

Trying something new is always scary, but never changing or getting out of your comfort zone seems a lot more intimidating. Anxiety is a serious issue and if you feel it is taking over your life or consuming you, definitely reach out and talk to someone. Help is out there and seeking therapy is always a great option.

Some smaller forms to cope with mild anxiety include focusing on your breathing when negative thoughts start to fill your mind and imagining your favorite place in situations that cause you to be tense. Working on your mental health is the best form of self care, enjoy every day.

Christelle Temple is an WVU honors sophomore. She contributes a weekly column on health, fitness and motivation. Follow her on Instagram @ellesbells2. Contact her at