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Job fair coming to Preston County

KINGWOOD — There will be lots of opportunities for employment Sept. 9 at the second job fair hosted by the Preston County Chamber of Commerce and the Workforce Development Committee.

“We thought this was something important to bring to Preston County,” said the chamber’s executive director, Kristy Ash. “Especially this year when it seems everyone is hurting for employees. There are so many positions available.”

The first job fair was held in March 2020, just before COVID-19 struck, Ash said. 

The goal of the job fair is to connect businesses with a large pool of potential employees, resulting in successful hires. Ash said there are also many benefits for job seekers, such as networking with multiple different employees, getting contact information and interview opportunities.

Businesses representing a variety of industries have already registered for the fair, including Pierpont, Camp Dawson, FCC Hazelton, Mon Health, Prodigi, Superior Fibers and Region VI Workforce Development.

Ash said new employers can register until Sept. 8  by clicking on the online calendar at The fair is being held from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 9 at the Kingwood Community Building.

Job hunters should wear business casual attire, bring a resume,and be prepared to talk to professionals representing businesses.

Juniors and seniors from Preston High School will also be at the fair gaining first-hand experience to help prepare them for the world, said Stephen Wotring, superintendent of Preston County Schools.

Preston High School is a comprehensive high school, meaning academic and career technical education takes place under its roof, Wotring said. 

“One of our goals in the program is to provide real-world work experiences for our students as we develop a simulated workplace within our schools.  When the Job Fair was organized, I felt it would be a valuable experience and opportunity for our students to get a first-hand look at possible job opportunities for them within our county, and provide them real-world experience in having to meet and talk with potential employees,” Wotring said.

The fair also provides an opportunity to teach students about completing a resume, their appearance, and how to present themselves in an interview. Wotring said some students found summer jobs through last year’s fair.

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