Does anyone else ever get stuck in a routine, well more so a rut? The rut where you hate waking up, the thumb magically finding its way to the snooze button about five times, rushing every morning to make it out the door, skipping breakfast or trying to grab something from McDonald’s on the go.
Well, you’re not alone. I know, because more times than not that has been me. This isn’t because you’re not a “morning person” or because you feel super tired. You have developed a habit.
It takes about 60 days to form a habit, and about two and half months to break one. Even though savoring every minute of sleep might seem worth it, I can give you a number of reasons why waking up earlier and forming a more productive morning routine is worth your while.
When you wake up the first time to your morning alarm and begin to move you will actually be less tired than staying in bed to sleep that extra five minutes. When you go to sleep at night, it takes about 90 minutes to reach REM sleep. This is when your heart rate slows down. When you wake up in the morning and hit the snooze button, it confuses your body to go back into a REM cycle, leaving you more groggy and tired. This actually makes your body’s internal clock set to go back to sleep after an alarm, triggering the same effect every morning. (amerisleep). In other words, to give yourself more energy in the day it’s a very easy fix, get up and get moving.
The feeling of having time to get ready instead of rushing is something I wish for everyone. When you rush, you are not putting time and care into what you or your body needs.
When you rush yourself, you confuse your brain and don’t have time to process situations that are normal. This can also be very hazardous when rushing to get somewhere in a vehicle.
Taking the time to wash your face, brush your teeth, pick an outfit and just doing anything to get ready while you take your time will leave you feeling more relaxed to start your day off on a positive note.
Make breakfast
Maybe I just love food, but many studies have shown the health benefits of eating breakfast. It replenishes your supply of glucose to boost your energy levels and alertness, while also providing other essential nutrients required for good health. It also improves your energy levels and ability to concentrate in the short term, and can help with better weight management, reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease in the long term, according to
Eating breakfast helps to start your metabolism and works in aiding weight loss by burning calories throughout the day. Plus who doesn’t like the smell of breakfast in the morning?