WESTOVER — When Barbara “Bunny” Rhodes came to the Westside Senior Center in Westover for the first time, it was to play a round of bingo.
Five years later, listening to live music surrounded by close friends during the center’s 20-year anniversary celebration, Rhodes is reminded of why she has remained a member.
“I’ve always loved it because I meet other seniors,” she said. “They become your friends. They become people that you can count on and be used to who care about you the same as you care about them.”
After two decades of giving the community’s seniors a place to meet for activities, showcase their musical talents during jam nights and get to know one another, the center celebrated the two-decade milestone Saturday.
Visitors could be seen dancing together in the pavilion to local musicians, while others were inside dropping tickets into baskets in hopes of taking home a prize. While longtime visitors spent time catching up, new members were excited to sign up for memberships of their own.
“We’re really, extremely happy with our turnout,” said Boardmember Cheryl Stasiak.

Due to COVID-19, many of the events typically held at the center were put on hold. As large gatherings make a comeback, Boardmember Donna St. Clair said she believes many were excited to have the opportunity to meet with friends they missed over the past year.
“It’s nice to have that socialization and see people you haven’t seen for a long time,” she said.
Members of the center were not the only ones who came to enjoy the festivities.
Jean Livengood, a resident of Bruceton Mills and member of the North Preston Senior Center, said she made the trip to Westover to enjoy the live music.
“We love to dance and listen to music,” she said.
The Westside Senior Center frequently offers community activities and events. It currently has about 300 members and is always looking for new ones to join.
Membership to the center is $10 per year. Current hours are 9 a.m.-noon Monday through Friday. On Mondays, from 6-9 p.m., community members are welcome to listen to or bring an instrument to participate in the center’s jam sessions. On Wednesdays, doors open at 5 p.m. for bingo.
Anyone interested in becoming a member or receiving additional information can contact the center via email at westsideseniorcenter@gmail.com or phone at 304-296-6583.
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