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Don’t beat yourself up over it

Have you ever had such a busy week you lose track of your goals? Or have a billion tasks, two double shifts and what seems like zero time for sleep and can’t even remember the last time you showered or ate a vegetable. It seems like life is coming at you in all directions while you’re wearing a blindfold being spun around trying to hit each on cue. Don’t give up. Most importantly, don’t beat yourself up.

I would feel like an imposture if I didn’t admit I sometimes lose track of the days. Lose track of my workout regiment, my diet, or even when I last washed my hair.

Juggling your personal life, with work, hobbies, social networks and ambitious endeavors is not for the faint-hearted.  Getting off track with your health or exercise is not a reason to beat yourself up. You’re human. 

Life seems to be a funny thing when you start to think you’ve got a handle on it. I thought when school had stopped,  all my stress would melt away, and I would have all the time in the world. This past week, I have not even taken 30 minutes to exercise and have eaten more cheeseburgers than should be said. I am in no way disappointed or even angry with myself, because I know times get rough, but not giving up and focusing on the task at hand will help the battle seem to end sooner than later.

Just because you cheated your diet or didn’t complete the 30-day challenge doesn’t mean you’re a failure or should give up on your goals. Everything takes time and being patient with yourself and your progress is so vital in discovering your inner peace. Falling off the wagon isn’t going to just happen once. It’ll happen again, then maybe twice in a day, then maybe for a whole year. What makes you stronger at the end of the day is finding the courage to keep getting back up again, and again, and again, until it seems more like a reflex. There is no one way or right answer. However, the first step is never a bad place to start.

So do not give yourself a hard time for taking a break. Love yourself, knowing that you are doing your best. The world is a tough enough place to live in sometimes, be kind to yourself, always.

Christelle Temple is an WVU honors sophomore. She contributes a weekly column on health, fitness and motivation. Follow her on Instagram @ellesbells2. Contact her at