Government, Latest News, Preston County

Preston Commission wants to help EMS, get more info from the agencies

KINGWOOD –- Preston County commissioners discussed an agreement with local EMS to update information at their Tuesday meeting.

County Administrator Kathy Mace said a draft of an agreement was made with local EMS to update information and provide it to the commission.  

The agreement will give the commission information like the number of calls an agency receives.

Commissioner Dave Price said an agreement hasn’t been done for a while and there has been changes in the ambulance services.

In February, Buck Jennings told commissioners Mountaineer Ambulance was permanently closing.  KAMP Ambulance took over its territory in October. Mountaineer is the second ambulance squad to close its doors; Valley Ambulance was the first.

“We’ve had a lot of changes in territory and need to update the agreements,” Commissioner Dave Price said after the meeting. “The agreement will give us ideas of what we can do and how we can assist them (EMS).”

He said there are a lot of challenges facing the emergency services in Preston County, including weather and the 651 square miles that make up the county.

Price was one of the individuals who helped start Terra Alta Ambulance service in the early 1970s.

“We (Preston County Commission) want to stand with the incredible people of the EMS who unselfishly provide this much needed service,” he said.

In other business, commissioners voted to approve $3,000 of the $4,000 requested by the Friends of Preston Academy.

The Preston Academy is an historic structure undergoing renovations. The money was requested for foundation repairs.

“You allocate $4,500 in this account,” Mace said. “This project is well-documented. It is a historic building where part is used for commerce and part for tourism.”

Commissioners also approved a payment of $56,464.80 for roofing and siding work being done at the Preston County Animal Shelter

Commissioners also approved $1,440.58 to put locks on the Election Center in the Kingwood Plaza.   Commissioners also discussed signage for the center.
