Guest Editorials, Opinion

Legislators ‘think’ with a capital ‘I’

Some West Virginia legislators spell “think” with a capital ‘I.’

They “think” about a piece of legislation with themselves in mind, not you.

Consider SB 642 and HB 2715, both to reduce legal advertisements for public notice in your local newspaper.

This is the reality for capital “I” legislators:

  • I live in a city with good internet service.
  • I can afford the best internet and cable package.
  • I can afford computers, smart TVs and cell phones.
  • I think a website would be easier.
  • I get my news from my cell phone.
  • I don’t read my community newspaper.

This is the reality for most West Virginians:

Poor internet service as West Virginia ranks 48th in the nation for broadband service.

Cost concerns as West Virginia has the second poorest population in the nation, meaning many households can’t afford the best service, computers and devices.   As many as 789,514 West Virginians, or 44% of the population, either don’t subscribe or don’t have access to quality internet.

Many people are not prepared to search a government website as West Virginia has the third oldest population in the nation.

Your newspaper makes it easy to see the names of any family and friends listed in a legal advertisement. The best source for local news and advertising — in all 55 counties — is your community newspaper.

Tell your legislators to remember “You” and vote no on SB 642 and HB 2715.

Email or call your local delegates and senators:

This editorial was provided by the West Virginia Press Association. This commentary should be considered another point of view and not necessarily the opinion or editorial policy of The Dominion Post.